Germany – Partner for Medical Technology
Germany has an excellent position in the fields of science, research and development, both by European and by international standards. German companies play a leading role in the development of innovative products, and „Made in Germany“ is regarded as a seal of quality and of solid German workmanship throughout the world.
In our globalized world, scientific and technological progress is no longer achieved in isolation within individual countries, but depends on cooperation and the exchange of ideas with leading experts from across the world. That is why, in its future efforts to improve its technological position, Germany plans to cooperate more closely with recognized centres of excellence and strengthen its role as a “gateway to Europe” for its international partners.
To this end, the German Federal Government, under the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), has launched an initiative to advertise Germany as an excellent research location. Under the motto “Germany – Land of Ideas”, the campaign will highlight the attractiveness of Germany and its research environment in important target countries and present German research organisations, including universities, institutes, and private companies that are active in the field of research. The field of medical technology has been selected for the fourth thematic campaign. Medical technology is an emerging sector that is based on high knowledge intensity and possesses outstanding innovative strength. The campaign has the aim of initiating more mutually beneficial R&D collaborations between German and foreign research institutions and companies.
Numerous sectorspecific events organized by German research and technology establishments will give interested partners the opportunity to establish contacts with German research establishments and strong technological companies till the end of 2013. Currently, workshops, multiplier events, partnering events, lectures, and presentations at conferences and meetings are being organized. They are aimed at scientists at universities and research institutions, scientists and decision-makers at R&D-oriented companies, junior scientists, multipliers, and investors.
BMBF has selected 8 participants that highlight its ideals and goals for initial support. So health technology is one of the main research and teaching topics of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet (FAU) and its numerous spin-offs. FAU scientists have made substantial contributions to medical imaging, telemedicine, biomaterials, and therapeutic systems. Strong links to Siemens Healthcare, Fraunhofer IIS and about 50 companies in the Metropolitan Region contribute to the excellent FAU research environment. The campaign aims at scientific exchange as well as integration of international competence in medical engineering into Erlangen’s research, development, and education.
To this end, under the auspices of the FAU’s Central Institute of Healthcare Engineering (Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik ZiMT), the partners conduct workshops abroad with the aim of establishing international graduate schools and cooperation. Erlangen as a highly innovative location offers unique opportunities and prospects for young scientists and experts especially in the field of medical 3-D imaging.
- Brochure "3-D Imaging in Medicine - Cutting-Edge Research in Germany's Medical Valley"