Explius GmbH
Dr.-Ing. Florian Jäger
Geuderstraße 13 D-90489 Nürnberg
Tel: +49 911 4107879 |
Explius GmbH
Explius GmbH was founded 2012 as a Spin-Off of the Pattern Recognition Lab at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet. It develops medical software products in the field of orthopedics, rehab-technology, custom shoe design, as well as the planning of reconstructive surgeries. All products base on an innovative software library that was developed by Explius GmbH. It allows combining multiple 3-D acquisitions, scanned using low-cost sensors to form a high quality model of the scanned object. Furthermore, the data can be processed using modern image processing and computer vision techniques. By using Explius’ software library, it is possible to use light-weighted, portable, low-cost 3-D sensors in many new fields of application. At the moment, Explius mainly develops solutions utilizing consumer cameras, like ASUS Xtion Pro and Microsoft Kinect.
Customers of Explius GmbH are primarily companies that are already firmly established in the target market and who want to extend their range of products by high-tech applications. These applications are individually and exclusively developed for a customer. Furthermore, they can be licensed and sold as a white label OEM product using the company’s own name.
Many companies in the medical area, like technical orthopedics, don’t have the required knowledge to develop such projects themselves. Explius offers companies the opportunity to license an integral, well-engineered product with marginal development costs and hence little financial risk.
An example for a white label product developed by Explius is the 3-D foot scanner “iScan 3Dp”. It is successfully distributed by the company “IETEC Biomechanical solutions” (www. biomechanicalsolutions.de) and commercially available since September 2011. The system uses Microsoft’s “Kinect for Windows” as 3-D camera sensor. Thus, “iScan 3Dp” enables a fast, precise, and portable acquisition and measurement of individual three-dimensional foot models. Time-consuming, labor-intensive casting and form construction of foot positives during the development of custom made shoes is unnecessary.